| Learn & Grow From Your Joy
I heard a song the other day that went something like, "I never learned a thing from being happy." The point being that most of the time we learn from our pain and difficulties, and when things are good, we just relax and enjoy. While there's nothing wrong with relaxing and enjoying, think about this a moment: - We are meant to grow and learn throughout our lives. We're designed that way.
- If we only
learn and grow as a result of struggle and pain, then we may subconsciously seek out or create difficulties for ourselves, to make sure we continue to learn and expand.
- The problem with this is that in the midst of struggle and turmoil, your resources might be limited because of the problem you're having (feeling ill, low energy due to stress, etc.).
- You have more energy and resources when you feel good and things are going well, so why
not figure out how to learn and grow during the good times, so that you're not unintentionally seeking out the bad?
Here are the steps to making sure you learn and grow during the good times: - When you're feeling good and things are going well, ask yourself, "What did I do to contribute to this?"
- Say to yourself, "More of
this please!" and "I choose this as my new normal."
- Use that great energy and those positive emotions to set a powerful optimistic intention to keep this momentum going for as long as you can.
- Practice joyful anticipation of the good times ahead, and milk, savor and stretch the good feelings you're having during those good times.
Never underestimate the power of setting positive intentions for yourself and your future. You are in the driver's seat, whether you realize it or not, so why not decide where you're going and go
there! |
| Quotes From Great Goodfinders
"The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes but in having new eyes." --Marcel Proust
"A life oriented around gratefulness is the panacea for insatiable yearnings and life's ills." --Robert Emmons & Michael McCullough
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you truly love. It will not lead you
astray." --Rumi
"Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous." --Bill Moyers
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep."
--Scott Adams