Goodfinding Newsletter by Dr. William DeFoore

Published: Thu, 02/01/18

Goodfinding® Newsletter     William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.    February, 2018     Vol 12 Issue 2

Three Layers Of Meaning

The wise shepherd Nicolaos, in Sara Alexi's delightful novel, A Handful Of Pebbles explains that he contemplates three layers of meaning for his life. It is a wonderful process to go through every few days. The three layers are:
  1. The big meaning for your life, your most lofty dreams and vision of how you would like to impact your world.
  2. The meaning and value that you provide through your work, your talents and skills on a daily and ongoing basis.
  3. The meaning and value you plan to find, create or focus on in your present moment, the next hour, or the day ahead of you.
This is helpful for a lot of reasons. It reminds you of your good heart, and the bright, positive vision you hold for yourself and your world. It helps you remember your gifts and skills that you may all too often take for granted, and it brings you finally to focus on the importance of finding the good in your moment and your day.

Regardless of any self limiting beliefs you may have about your gifts and talents, it is an established fact that you have something to offer that no other human being on the planet can provide. That's where you find your meaning and purpose for your life, which is essential to the peace of mind and heart that we all so deeply desire.

The world is waiting to receive and appreciate your gifts. Do us and yourself the favor of offering them, in the way that feels best to you.

This video below shows three artists offering their gifts, and it points to the difficulties and hardships that are intricately intertwined with the beauty and value of what they provide.


Quotes From Great Goodfinders

"​One intriguing outcome of all of this is that every new thought shapes the mind that holds it. Your mind evolves and changes, adapting to everything you feed it, every minute of every day."
--Keith Blanchard

"It is important to listen to your thoughts, dispute them when they are out of line, and replace them if they are not positive, because our thinking affects our behaviour and our behaviour dictates the feedback the world gives us."
--​Nicolaos the shepherd, from Sara Alexi's Handful Of Pebbles

"​Dwell in the satisfaction of current improvement."
--Cindy Parker DeFoore

"Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to the environmental signals that propel life."
--Bruce Lipton

William G. DeFoore, Ph.D
Halcyon Life Enterprises, LLP