The Art Of Appreciation is a matter of adding value to everything you appreciate. And the more you value and appreciate something or someone, the greater care you will give to those people and things. The hardest place to focus the brilliant light of your appreciation is on your self, so let's start there.
Appreciate your amazing body, with all of its myriad functions operating 24/7 to keep you alive. It's doing its best to support you in the choices you make, so make great choices! Appreciate your brilliant mind and its constant roaming and searching processes designed to help you expand into your highest and best. Help your mind along the way by practicing Goodfinding! Appreciate the people in your life, by focusing on their good hearts and bright intentions. However things may appear, consider that everyone is doing their best to find their way to a better place.
Appreciation is good for your heart! When you are experiencing love and appreciation, your physical heart functions more efficiently and rhythmically, adding to your joyful longevity.