What is entropy? Simply put, entropy is disruptive change. It is the expanding introduction of chaos into the order we human beings so desperately strive to create in this
world. If we fear it or fight it, we only get tired and frustrated. If you make friends with the changes you see within and all around you, looking for the good, the value, the beauty and the blessings, you will be blessed in return.
Consider the words of Dr. Joe Dispenza, "The unknown has never let me down." I know, that sounds pretty outrageous. However, it's virtually the same as the technique recommended in Goodfinding to repeat to
yourself daily, regardless of what is going on, "Everything is always playing out perfectly for me." You're not saying this because you know it's absolutely true, you're saying this to pre-pave your future to maximize the outcomes you desire. Become a quantum creator of good!
"Not only do living things lessen the disorder in their environments; they are in themselves, their skeletons and their flesh, vesicles and membranes, shells and carapaces, leaves and blossoms, circulatory systems and metabolic pathways - miracles of
pattern and structure. It sometimes seems as if curbing entropy is our quixotic purpose in the universe." --James Gleick
"Nothing is lost...everything is transformed." -- Michael Ende
"Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of
life to be ever more highly structured and to struggle against entropy" --Vaclav Havel